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Jorge Luis González Parral

I am not tired. We are still courageous. Let the government see that we do not give up. We are taking more steps forward, until we achieve our goal, until they give us our children. It was the government that took them from us, the State.

- Aristeo González

Oliveria Parral Rosa, and Aristeo González are the only Ayotzinapa parents with two missing children, Jorge Luis and Doriam Gonzalez Parral.


Doriam Gonzalez Parral and his brother Jorge Luis Gonzalez Parral are from Xalpatláhuac, a community located in one of the most marginalized regions of extreme poverty in Mexico, La Montaña de Guerrero. They wanted to train together as rural teachers, to study in Ayotzinapa and become graduates of the same generation.


With the goal of undertaking their collective dream, the brothers devised a plan: Jorge Luis would wait for Doriam, 3 years younger, to finish high school. The agreement had the support of the family. The boys would take care of each other; nothing could happen to them. Jorge Luis and Doriam achieved their goal to enter the Normal school together. Along the way, the values instilled by their family were extremely useful: to be good people, honest, disciplined, workers …

Aristeo González describes his son Jorge Luis, the second of four siblings, as a sportsman, and lover of football and pop music. He is charismatic, and beloved by relatives and neighbors. As a child Jorge Luis enjoyed spending the afternoons with his cousins, a group of ten to fifteen kids. The cohort had fun playing soccer and spending time together in the countryside.

After finishing high school Jorge Luis moved to Guadalajara and worked in taquerias. He wanted to study law but the family did not have enough resources for private education. Being a teacher, his second vocational option, also excited him: so much that he convinced friends from Xalpatláhuac to also go to the Normal Rural of Ayotzinapa.


Since the forced disappearance of his sons, Don Aristeo has mostly left the cultivation of corn, beans, squash and jamaica flower, his masonry work, and the the maintenance of the adobe-walled little house that he shares with his wife. Aristeo González is always there: at each rally, in each march, in each activity for the presentation with life. 

Doriam González Parral and Jorge Luis González Parral
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Running for Ayotzinapa 43 does not accept donations. There are no fees or sales associated with the running club.

Singlets and t-shirts are provided free to runners and supporters.

We are grateful for the support and contributions of Almeida Photography, Blanka Amezkua, Gustavo Martinez, Malú Huacuja del Toro, Semillas, Somos Los Otros, Tryno Maldonado, all the runners and their families, and from so many more of you. 

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